Jupyter Launcher

The Jupyter launcher provides a simple interface to start Jupyter Notebook servers on the DTU HPC cluster.

Getting started

To start the launcher, go to Tools and select Jupyter launcher. You need to be logged in to access the launcher, as it will submit a job to DTU HPC to start the server.

You'll see the interface, with the basic options that are needed for the server:

Once you've selected your options, click Launch Jupyter Server to submit the job to the cluster. This process typically takes around 30 seconds, provided the queue isn't too busy. If it takes longer than one minute, try refreshing the page and submitting the request again. If the issue persists, please contact us for assistance.

When the server is ready, a button labeled Open Jupyter Server will appear:

Click this button to open the Jupyter interface in a new tab. If you need a server with different configurations, you can use the Re-launch Jupyter Server option. However, note that only one server can be running at a time.

Extra options

The interface is made of a few tabs:

The tab Advanced config will allow you to set some parameters for more specific cases.


The final tab provides detailed logs that are updated throughout the process. Here, you'll find additional information about the job script, requested resources, and the node where the server is running. If you're experiencing connection issues, check the logs for useful debugging information that might help resolve the problem.