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Generating synthetic data

The qim3d library provides a set of methods for generating volumes consisting of a single synthetic blob or a collection of multiple synthetic blobs.



blob(base_shape=(128, 128, 128), final_shape=(128, 128, 128), noise_scale=0.05, order=1, gamma=1.0, max_value=255, threshold=0.5, smooth_borders=False, object_shape=None, dtype='uint8')

Generate a 3D volume with Perlin noise, spherical gradient, and optional scaling and gamma correction.


Name Type Description Default
base_shape tuple

Shape of the initial volume to generate. Defaults to (128, 128, 128).

(128, 128, 128)
final_shape tuple

Desired shape of the final volume. Defaults to (128, 128, 128).

(128, 128, 128)
noise_scale float

Scale factor for Perlin noise. Defaults to 0.05.

order int

Order of the spline interpolation used in resizing. Defaults to 1.

gamma float

Gamma correction factor. Defaults to 1.0.

max_value int

Maximum value for the volume intensity. Defaults to 255.

threshold float

Threshold value for clipping low intensity values. Defaults to 0.5.

smooth_borders bool

Flag for automatic computation of the threshold value to ensure a blob with no straight edges. If True, the threshold parameter is ignored. Defaults to False.

object_shape str

Shape of the object to generate, either "cylinder", or "tube". Defaults to None.

dtype str

Desired data type of the output volume. Defaults to "uint8".



Name Type Description
synthetic_blob ndarray

Generated 3D volume with specified parameters.


Type Description

If final_shape is not a tuple or does not have three elements.


If dtype is not a valid numpy number type.

import qim3d

# Generate synthetic blob
synthetic_blob = qim3d.generate.blob(noise_scale = 0.015)

# Visualize 3D volume

# Visualize slices
qim3d.viz.slices(synthetic_blob, vmin = 0, vmax = 255, n_slices = 15)

import qim3d

# Generate tubular synthetic blob
vol = qim3d.generate.blob(base_shape = (10, 300, 300),
                        final_shape = (100, 100, 100),
                        noise_scale = 0.3,
                        gamma = 2,
                        threshold = 0.0,
                        object_shape = "cylinder"

# Visualize synthetic blob

# Visualize slices
qim3d.viz.slices(vol, n_slices=15, axis=1)

import qim3d

# Generate tubular synthetic blob
vol = qim3d.generate.blob(base_shape = (200, 100, 100),
                        final_shape = (400, 100, 100),
                        noise_scale = 0.03,
                        gamma = 0.12,
                        threshold = 0.85,
                        object_shape = "tube"

# Visualize synthetic blob

# Visualize
qim3d.viz.slices(vol, n_slices=15)

Source code in qim3d/generate/
def blob(
    base_shape: tuple = (128, 128, 128),
    final_shape: tuple = (128, 128, 128),
    noise_scale: float = 0.05,
    order: int = 1,
    gamma: int = 1.0,
    max_value: int = 255,
    threshold: float = 0.5,
    smooth_borders: bool = False,
    object_shape: str = None,
    dtype: str = "uint8",
    ) -> np.ndarray:
    Generate a 3D volume with Perlin noise, spherical gradient, and optional scaling and gamma correction.

        base_shape (tuple, optional): Shape of the initial volume to generate. Defaults to (128, 128, 128).
        final_shape (tuple, optional): Desired shape of the final volume. Defaults to (128, 128, 128).
        noise_scale (float, optional): Scale factor for Perlin noise. Defaults to 0.05.
        order (int, optional): Order of the spline interpolation used in resizing. Defaults to 1.
        gamma (float, optional): Gamma correction factor. Defaults to 1.0.
        max_value (int, optional): Maximum value for the volume intensity. Defaults to 255.
        threshold (float, optional): Threshold value for clipping low intensity values. Defaults to 0.5.
        smooth_borders (bool, optional): Flag for automatic computation of the threshold value to ensure a blob with no straight edges. If True, the `threshold` parameter is ignored. Defaults to False.
        object_shape (str, optional): Shape of the object to generate, either "cylinder", or "tube". Defaults to None.
        dtype (str, optional): Desired data type of the output volume. Defaults to "uint8".

        synthetic_blob (numpy.ndarray): Generated 3D volume with specified parameters.

        TypeError: If `final_shape` is not a tuple or does not have three elements.
        ValueError: If `dtype` is not a valid numpy number type.

        import qim3d

        # Generate synthetic blob
        synthetic_blob = qim3d.generate.blob(noise_scale = 0.015)

        # Visualize 3D volume
        <iframe src="" width="100%" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe>

        # Visualize slices
        qim3d.viz.slices(synthetic_blob, vmin = 0, vmax = 255, n_slices = 15)

        import qim3d

        # Generate tubular synthetic blob
        vol = qim3d.generate.blob(base_shape = (10, 300, 300),
                                final_shape = (100, 100, 100),
                                noise_scale = 0.3,
                                gamma = 2,
                                threshold = 0.0,
                                object_shape = "cylinder"

        # Visualize synthetic blob
        <iframe src="" width="100%" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe>

        # Visualize slices
        qim3d.viz.slices(vol, n_slices=15, axis=1)

        import qim3d

        # Generate tubular synthetic blob
        vol = qim3d.generate.blob(base_shape = (200, 100, 100),
                                final_shape = (400, 100, 100),
                                noise_scale = 0.03,
                                gamma = 0.12,
                                threshold = 0.85,
                                object_shape = "tube"

        # Visualize synthetic blob
        <iframe src="" width="100%" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe>

        # Visualize
        qim3d.viz.slices(vol, n_slices=15)

    if not isinstance(final_shape, tuple) or len(final_shape) != 3:
        raise TypeError("Size must be a tuple of 3 dimensions")
    if not np.issubdtype(dtype, np.number):
        raise ValueError("Invalid data type")

    # Initialize the 3D array for the shape
    volume = np.empty((base_shape[0], base_shape[1], base_shape[2]), dtype=np.float32)

    # Generate grid of coordinates
    z, y, x = np.indices(base_shape)

    # Calculate the distance from the center of the shape
    center = np.array(base_shape) / 2

    dist = np.sqrt((z - center[0])**2 + 
                   (y - center[1])**2 + 
                   (x - center[2])**2)

    dist /= np.sqrt(3 * (center[0]**2))

    # Generate Perlin noise and adjust the values based on the distance from the center
    vectorized_pnoise3 = np.vectorize(pnoise3) # Vectorize pnoise3, since it only takes scalar input

    noise = vectorized_pnoise3(z.flatten() * noise_scale, 
                               y.flatten() * noise_scale, 
                               x.flatten() * noise_scale

    volume = (1 + noise) * (1 - dist)

    # Normalize
    volume = (volume - np.min(volume)) / (np.max(volume) - np.min(volume))

    # Gamma correction
    volume = np.power(volume, gamma)

    # Scale the volume to the maximum value
    volume = volume * max_value

    # If object shape is specified, smooth borders are disabled
    if object_shape:
        smooth_borders = False

    if smooth_borders: 
        # Maximum value among the six sides of the 3D volume
        max_border_value = np.max([
            np.max(volume[0, :, :]), np.max(volume[-1, :, :]),
            np.max(volume[:, 0, :]), np.max(volume[:, -1, :]),
            np.max(volume[:, :, 0]), np.max(volume[:, :, -1])

        # Compute threshold such that there will be no straight cuts in the blob
        threshold = max_border_value / max_value

    # Clip the low values of the volume to create a coherent volume
    volume[volume < threshold * max_value] = 0

    # Clip high values
    volume[volume > max_value] = max_value

    # Scale up the volume of volume to size
    volume = scipy.ndimage.zoom(
        volume, np.array(final_shape) / np.array(base_shape), order=order

    # Fade into a shape if specified
    if object_shape == "cylinder":

        # Arguments for the fade_mask function
        geometry = "cylindrical"        # Fade in cylindrical geometry
        axis = np.argmax(volume.shape)  # Fade along the dimension where the object is the largest
        target_max_normalized_distance = 1.4   # This value ensures that the object will become cylindrical

        volume = qim3d.processing.operations.fade_mask(volume, 
                                                       geometry = geometry, 
                                                       axis = axis, 
                                                       target_max_normalized_distance = target_max_normalized_distance

    elif object_shape == "tube":

        # Arguments for the fade_mask function
        geometry = "cylindrical"        # Fade in cylindrical geometry
        axis = np.argmax(volume.shape)  # Fade along the dimension where the object is the largest
        decay_rate = 5                  # Decay rate for the fade operation
        target_max_normalized_distance = 1.4   # This value ensures that the object will become cylindrical

        # Fade once for making the object cylindrical
        volume = qim3d.processing.operations.fade_mask(volume, 
                                                       geometry = geometry, 
                                                       axis = axis,
                                                       decay_rate = decay_rate,
                                                       target_max_normalized_distance = target_max_normalized_distance,
                                                       invert = False

        # Fade again with invert = True for making the object a tube (i.e. with a hole in the middle)
        volume = qim3d.processing.operations.fade_mask(volume, 
                                                       geometry = geometry, 
                                                       axis = axis, 
                                                       decay_rate = decay_rate,
                                                       invert = True

    # Convert to desired data type
    volume = volume.astype(dtype)

    return volume


collection(collection_shape=(200, 200, 200), num_objects=15, positions=None, min_shape=(40, 40, 40), max_shape=(60, 60, 60), object_shape_zoom=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), min_object_noise=0.02, max_object_noise=0.05, min_rotation_degrees=0, max_rotation_degrees=360, rotation_axes=[(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)], min_gamma=0.8, max_gamma=1.2, min_high_value=128, max_high_value=255, min_threshold=0.5, max_threshold=0.6, smooth_borders=False, object_shape=None, seed=0, verbose=False)

Generate a 3D volume of multiple synthetic objects using Perlin noise.


Name Type Description Default
collection_shape tuple

Shape of the final collection volume to generate. Defaults to (200, 200, 200).

(200, 200, 200)
num_objects int

Number of synthetic objects to include in the collection. Defaults to 15.

positions list[tuple]

List of specific positions as (z, y, x) coordinates for the objects. If not provided, they are placed randomly into the collection. Defaults to None.

min_shape tuple

Minimum shape of the objects. Defaults to (40, 40, 40).

(40, 40, 40)
max_shape tuple

Maximum shape of the objects. Defaults to (60, 60, 60).

(60, 60, 60)
object_shape_zoom tuple

Scaling factors for each dimension of each object. Defaults to (1.0, 1.0, 1.0).

(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
min_object_noise float

Minimum scale factor for Perlin noise. Defaults to 0.02.

max_object_noise float

Maximum scale factor for Perlin noise. Defaults to 0.05.

min_rotation_degrees int

Minimum rotation angle in degrees. Defaults to 0.

max_rotation_degrees int

Maximum rotation angle in degrees. Defaults to 360.

rotation_axes list[tuple]

List of axis pairs that will be randomly chosen to rotate around. Defaults to [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)].

[(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)]
min_gamma float

Minimum gamma correction factor. Defaults to 0.8.

max_gamma float

Maximum gamma correction factor. Defaults to 1.2.

min_high_value int

Minimum maximum value for the volume intensity. Defaults to 128.

max_high_value int

Maximum maximum value for the volume intensity. Defaults to 255.

min_threshold float

Minimum threshold value for clipping low intensity values. Defaults to 0.5.

max_threshold float

Maximum threshold value for clipping low intensity values. Defaults to 0.6.

smooth_borders bool

Flag for smoothing object borders to avoid straight edges in the objects. If True, the min_threshold and max_threshold parameters are ignored. Defaults to False.

object_shape str

Shape of the object to generate, either "cylinder", or "tube". Defaults to None.

seed int

Seed for reproducibility. Defaults to 0.

verbose bool

Flag to enable verbose logging. Defaults to False.



Name Type Description
synthetic_collection ndarray

3D volume of the generated collection of synthetic objects with specified parameters.

labels ndarray

Array with labels for each voxel, same shape as synthetic_collection.


Type Description

If collection_shape is not 3D.


If object parameters are invalid.

  • The function places objects without overlap.
  • The function can either place objects at random positions in the collection (if positions = None) or at specific positions provided in the positions argument. If specific positions are provided, the number of blobs must match the number of positions (e.g. num_objects = 2 with positions = [(12, 8, 10), (24, 20, 18)]).
  • If not all num_objects can be placed, the function returns the synthetic_collection volume with as many objects as possible in it, and logs an error.
  • Labels for all objects are returned, even if they are not a single connected component.
import qim3d

# Generate synthetic collection of objects
num_objects = 15
synthetic_collection, labels = qim3d.generate.collection(num_objects = num_objects)

# Visualize synthetic collection


# Visualize labels
cmap = qim3d.viz.colormaps.objects(nlabels=num_objects)
qim3d.viz.slicer(labels, cmap=cmap, vmax=num_objects)

import qim3d

# Generate synthetic collection of dense objects
synthetic_collection, labels = qim3d.generate.collection(
                            min_high_value = 255,
                            max_high_value = 255,
                            min_object_noise = 0.05,
                            max_object_noise = 0.05,
                            min_threshold = 0.99,
                            max_threshold = 0.99,
                            min_gamma = 0.02,
                            max_gamma = 0.02)

# Visualize synthetic collection
import qim3d

# Generate synthetic collection of cylindrical structures
vol, labels = qim3d.generate.collection(num_objects = 40,
                                        collection_shape = (300, 150, 150),
                                        min_shape = (280, 10, 10),
                                        max_shape = (290, 15, 15),
                                        min_object_noise = 0.08,
                                        max_object_noise = 0.09,
                                        max_rotation_degrees = 5,
                                        min_threshold = 0.7,
                                        max_threshold = 0.9,
                                        min_gamma = 0.10,
                                        max_gamma = 0.11,
                                        object_shape = "cylinder"

# Visualize synthetic collection

# Visualize slices
qim3d.viz.slices(vol, n_slices=15)

import qim3d

# Generate synthetic collection of tubular (hollow) structures
vol, labels = qim3d.generate.collection(num_objects = 10,
                                        collection_shape = (200, 200, 200),
                                        min_shape = (180, 25, 25),
                                        max_shape = (190, 35, 35),
                                        min_object_noise = 0.02,
                                        max_object_noise = 0.03,
                                        max_rotation_degrees = 5,
                                        min_threshold = 0.7,
                                        max_threshold = 0.9,
                                        min_gamma = 0.10,
                                        max_gamma = 0.11,
                                        object_shape = "tube"

# Visualize synthetic collection

# Visualize slices
qim3d.viz.slices(vol, n_slices=15, axis=1)

Source code in qim3d/generate/
def collection(
    collection_shape: tuple = (200, 200, 200),
    num_objects: int = 15,
    positions: list[tuple] = None,
    min_shape: tuple = (40, 40, 40),
    max_shape: tuple = (60, 60, 60),
    object_shape_zoom: tuple = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
    min_object_noise: float = 0.02,
    max_object_noise: float = 0.05,
    min_rotation_degrees: int = 0,
    max_rotation_degrees: int = 360,
    rotation_axes: list[tuple] = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)],
    min_gamma: float = 0.8,
    max_gamma: float = 1.2,
    min_high_value: int = 128,
    max_high_value: int = 255,
    min_threshold: float = 0.5,
    max_threshold: float = 0.6,
    smooth_borders: bool = False,
    object_shape: str = None,
    seed: int = 0,
    verbose: bool = False,
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, object]:
    Generate a 3D volume of multiple synthetic objects using Perlin noise.

        collection_shape (tuple, optional): Shape of the final collection volume to generate. Defaults to (200, 200, 200).
        num_objects (int, optional): Number of synthetic objects to include in the collection. Defaults to 15.
        positions (list[tuple], optional): List of specific positions as (z, y, x) coordinates for the objects. If not provided, they are placed randomly into the collection. Defaults to None.
        min_shape (tuple, optional): Minimum shape of the objects. Defaults to (40, 40, 40).
        max_shape (tuple, optional): Maximum shape of the objects. Defaults to (60, 60, 60).
        object_shape_zoom (tuple, optional): Scaling factors for each dimension of each object. Defaults to (1.0, 1.0, 1.0).
        min_object_noise (float, optional): Minimum scale factor for Perlin noise. Defaults to 0.02.
        max_object_noise (float, optional): Maximum scale factor for Perlin noise. Defaults to 0.05.
        min_rotation_degrees (int, optional): Minimum rotation angle in degrees. Defaults to 0.
        max_rotation_degrees (int, optional): Maximum rotation angle in degrees. Defaults to 360.
        rotation_axes (list[tuple], optional): List of axis pairs that will be randomly chosen to rotate around. Defaults to [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)].
        min_gamma (float, optional): Minimum gamma correction factor. Defaults to 0.8.
        max_gamma (float, optional): Maximum gamma correction factor. Defaults to 1.2.
        min_high_value (int, optional): Minimum maximum value for the volume intensity. Defaults to 128.
        max_high_value (int, optional): Maximum maximum value for the volume intensity. Defaults to 255.
        min_threshold (float, optional): Minimum threshold value for clipping low intensity values. Defaults to 0.5.
        max_threshold (float, optional): Maximum threshold value for clipping low intensity values. Defaults to 0.6.
        smooth_borders (bool, optional): Flag for smoothing object borders to avoid straight edges in the objects. If True, the `min_threshold` and `max_threshold` parameters are ignored. Defaults to False.
        object_shape (str, optional): Shape of the object to generate, either "cylinder", or "tube". Defaults to None.
        seed (int, optional): Seed for reproducibility. Defaults to 0.
        verbose (bool, optional): Flag to enable verbose logging. Defaults to False.

        synthetic_collection (numpy.ndarray): 3D volume of the generated collection of synthetic objects with specified parameters.
        labels (numpy.ndarray): Array with labels for each voxel, same shape as synthetic_collection.

        TypeError: If `collection_shape` is not 3D.
        ValueError: If object parameters are invalid.

        - The function places objects without overlap.
        - The function can either place objects at random positions in the collection (if `positions = None`) or at specific positions provided in the `positions` argument. If specific positions are provided, the number of blobs must match the number of positions (e.g. `num_objects = 2` with `positions = [(12, 8, 10), (24, 20, 18)]`).
        - If not all `num_objects` can be placed, the function returns the `synthetic_collection` volume with as many objects as possible in it, and logs an error.
        - Labels for all objects are returned, even if they are not a single connected component.

        import qim3d

        # Generate synthetic collection of objects
        num_objects = 15
        synthetic_collection, labels = qim3d.generate.collection(num_objects = num_objects)

        # Visualize synthetic collection
        <iframe src="" width="100%" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe>


        # Visualize labels
        cmap = qim3d.viz.colormaps.objects(nlabels=num_objects)
        qim3d.viz.slicer(labels, cmap=cmap, vmax=num_objects)

        import qim3d

        # Generate synthetic collection of dense objects
        synthetic_collection, labels = qim3d.generate.collection(
                                    min_high_value = 255,
                                    max_high_value = 255,
                                    min_object_noise = 0.05,
                                    max_object_noise = 0.05,
                                    min_threshold = 0.99,
                                    max_threshold = 0.99,
                                    min_gamma = 0.02,
                                    max_gamma = 0.02)

        # Visualize synthetic collection
        <iframe src="" width="100%" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe>

        import qim3d

        # Generate synthetic collection of cylindrical structures
        vol, labels = qim3d.generate.collection(num_objects = 40,
                                                collection_shape = (300, 150, 150),
                                                min_shape = (280, 10, 10),
                                                max_shape = (290, 15, 15),
                                                min_object_noise = 0.08,
                                                max_object_noise = 0.09,
                                                max_rotation_degrees = 5,
                                                min_threshold = 0.7,
                                                max_threshold = 0.9,
                                                min_gamma = 0.10,
                                                max_gamma = 0.11,
                                                object_shape = "cylinder"

        # Visualize synthetic collection

        <iframe src="" width="100%" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe>

        # Visualize slices
        qim3d.viz.slices(vol, n_slices=15)

        import qim3d

        # Generate synthetic collection of tubular (hollow) structures
        vol, labels = qim3d.generate.collection(num_objects = 10,
                                                collection_shape = (200, 200, 200),
                                                min_shape = (180, 25, 25),
                                                max_shape = (190, 35, 35),
                                                min_object_noise = 0.02,
                                                max_object_noise = 0.03,
                                                max_rotation_degrees = 5,
                                                min_threshold = 0.7,
                                                max_threshold = 0.9,
                                                min_gamma = 0.10,
                                                max_gamma = 0.11,
                                                object_shape = "tube"

        # Visualize synthetic collection
        <iframe src="" width="100%" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe>

        # Visualize slices
        qim3d.viz.slices(vol, n_slices=15, axis=1)
    if verbose:
        original_log_level = log.getEffectiveLevel()

    # Check valid input types
    if not isinstance(collection_shape, tuple) or len(collection_shape) != 3:
        raise TypeError(
            "Shape of collection must be a tuple with three dimensions (z, y, x)"

    if len(min_shape) != len(max_shape):
        raise ValueError("Object shapes must be tuples of the same length")

    if (positions is not None) and (len(positions) != num_objects):
        raise ValueError(
            "Number of objects must match number of positions, otherwise set positions = None"

    # Set seed for random number generator
    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

    # Initialize the 3D array for the shape
    collection_array = np.zeros(
        (collection_shape[0], collection_shape[1], collection_shape[2]), dtype=np.uint8
    labels = np.zeros_like(collection_array)

    # Fill the 3D array with synthetic blobs
    for i in tqdm(range(num_objects), desc="Objects placed"):
        log.debug(f"\nObject #{i+1}")

        # Sample from blob parameter ranges
        if min_shape == max_shape:
            blob_shape = min_shape
            blob_shape = tuple(
                rng.integers(low=min_shape[i], high=max_shape[i]) for i in range(3)
        log.debug(f"- Blob shape: {blob_shape}")

        # Scale object shape
        final_shape = tuple(l * r for l, r in zip(blob_shape, object_shape_zoom))
        final_shape = tuple(int(x) for x in final_shape) # NOTE: Added this 

        # Sample noise scale
        noise_scale = rng.uniform(low=min_object_noise, high=max_object_noise)
        log.debug(f"- Object noise scale: {noise_scale:.4f}")

        gamma = rng.uniform(low=min_gamma, high=max_gamma)
        log.debug(f"- Gamma correction: {gamma:.3f}")

        if max_high_value > min_high_value:
            max_value = rng.integers(low=min_high_value, high=max_high_value)
            max_value = min_high_value
        log.debug(f"- Max value: {max_value}")

        threshold = rng.uniform(low=min_threshold, high=max_threshold)
        log.debug(f"- Threshold: {threshold:.3f}")

        # Generate synthetic object
        blob = qim3d.generate.blob(

        # Rotate object
        if max_rotation_degrees > 0:
            angle = rng.uniform(
                low=min_rotation_degrees, high=max_rotation_degrees
            )  # Sample rotation angle
            axes = rng.choice(rotation_axes)  # Sample the two axes to rotate around
            log.debug(f"- Rotation angle: {angle:.2f} at axes: {axes}")

            blob = scipy.ndimage.rotate(blob, angle, axes, order=1)

        # Place synthetic object into the collection
        # If positions are specified, place object at one of the specified positions
        collection_before = collection_array.copy()
        if positions:
            collection_array, placed, positions = specific_placement(
                collection_array, blob, positions

        # Otherwise, place object at a random available position
            collection_array, placed = random_placement(collection_array, blob, rng)

        # Break if object could not be placed
        if not placed:

        # Update labels
        new_labels = np.where(collection_array != collection_before, i + 1, 0).astype(
        labels += new_labels

    if not placed:
        # Log error if not all num_objects could be placed (this line of code has to be here, otherwise it will interfere with tqdm progress bar)
            f"Object #{i+1} could not be placed in the collection, no space found. Collection contains {i}/{num_objects} objects."

    if verbose:

    return collection_array, labels