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Operations on volumetric data

The qim3d library provides a set of methods for different operations on volumes.



remove_background(vol, median_filter_size=2, min_object_radius=3, background='dark', **median_kwargs)

Remove background from a volume using a qim3d filters.


Name Type Description Default
vol ndarray

The volume to remove background from.

median_filter_size int

The size of the median filter. Defaults to 2.

min_object_radius int

The radius of the structuring element for the tophat filter. Defaults to 3.

background 'dark' or 'bright

The background type. Can be 'dark' or 'bright'. Defaults to 'dark'.

**median_kwargs Any

Additional keyword arguments for the Median filter.



Name Type Description
filtered_vol ndarray

The volume with background removed.


import qim3d

vol = qim3d.examples.cement_128x128x128
fig1 = qim3d.viz.slices_grid(vol, value_min=0, value_max=255, num_slices=5, display_figure=True)

vol_filtered  = qim3d.operations.remove_background(vol,
fig2 = qim3d.viz.slices_grid(vol_filtered, value_min=0, value_max=255, num_slices=5, display_figure=True)

Source code in qim3d/operations/
def remove_background(
    vol: np.ndarray,
    median_filter_size: int = 2,
    min_object_radius: int = 3,
    background: str = "dark",
) -> np.ndarray:
    Remove background from a volume using a qim3d filters.

        vol (np.ndarray): The volume to remove background from.
        median_filter_size (int, optional): The size of the median filter. Defaults to 2.
        min_object_radius (int, optional): The radius of the structuring element for the tophat filter. Defaults to 3.
        background ('dark' or 'bright, optional): The background type. Can be 'dark' or 'bright'. Defaults to 'dark'.
        **median_kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments for the Median filter.

        filtered_vol (np.ndarray): The volume with background removed.

        import qim3d

        vol = qim3d.examples.cement_128x128x128
        fig1 = qim3d.viz.slices_grid(vol, value_min=0, value_max=255, num_slices=5, display_figure=True)

        vol_filtered  = qim3d.operations.remove_background(vol,
        fig2 = qim3d.viz.slices_grid(vol_filtered, value_min=0, value_max=255, num_slices=5, display_figure=True)

    # Create a pipeline with a median filter and a tophat filter
    pipeline = filters.Pipeline(
        filters.Median(size=median_filter_size, **median_kwargs),
        filters.Tophat(radius=min_object_radius, background=background),

    # Apply the pipeline to the volume
    return pipeline(vol)


fade_mask(vol, decay_rate=10, ratio=0.5, geometry='spherical', invert=False, axis=0, **kwargs)

Apply edge fading to a volume.


Name Type Description Default
vol ndarray

The volume to apply edge fading to.

decay_rate float

The decay rate of the fading. Defaults to 10.

ratio float

The ratio of the volume to fade. Defaults to 0.5.

geometry spherical or cylindrical

The geometric shape of the fading. Can be 'spherical' or 'cylindrical'. Defaults to 'spherical'.

invert bool

Flag for inverting the fading. Defaults to False.

axis int

The axis along which to apply the fading. Defaults to 0.

**kwargs Any

Additional keyword arguments for the edge fading.



Name Type Description
faded_vol ndarray

The volume with edge fading applied.


import qim3d
vol ='heartScan.tif')
Image before edge fading has visible artifacts from the support. Which obscures the object of interest. operations-edge_fade_before

import qim3d
vol_faded = qim3d.operations.fade_mask(vol, decay_rate=4, ratio=0.45, geometric='cylindrical')
Afterwards the artifacts are faded out, making the object of interest more visible for visualization purposes. operations-edge_fade_after

Source code in qim3d/operations/
def fade_mask(
    vol: np.ndarray,
    decay_rate: float = 10,
    ratio: float = 0.5,
    geometry: str = "spherical",
    invert: bool = False,
    axis: int = 0,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Apply edge fading to a volume.

        vol (np.ndarray): The volume to apply edge fading to.
        decay_rate (float, optional): The decay rate of the fading. Defaults to 10.
        ratio (float, optional): The ratio of the volume to fade. Defaults to 0.5.
        geometry ('spherical' or 'cylindrical', optional): The geometric shape of the fading. Can be 'spherical' or 'cylindrical'. Defaults to 'spherical'.
        invert (bool, optional): Flag for inverting the fading. Defaults to False.
        axis (int, optional): The axis along which to apply the fading. Defaults to 0.
        **kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments for the edge fading.

        faded_vol (np.ndarray): The volume with edge fading applied.

        import qim3d
        vol ='heartScan.tif')
        Image before edge fading has visible artifacts from the support. Which obscures the object of interest.

        import qim3d
        vol_faded = qim3d.operations.fade_mask(vol, decay_rate=4, ratio=0.45, geometric='cylindrical')
        Afterwards the artifacts are faded out, making the object of interest more visible for visualization purposes.

    if 0 > axis or axis >= vol.ndim:
        raise ValueError(
            "Axis must be between 0 and the number of dimensions of the volume"

    # Generate the coordinates of each point in the array
    shape = vol.shape
    z, y, x = np.indices(shape)

    # Store the original maximum value of the volume
    original_max_value = np.max(vol)

    # Calculate the center of the array
    center = np.array([(s - 1) / 2 for s in shape])

    # Calculate the distance of each point from the center
    if geometry == "spherical":
        distance = np.linalg.norm([z - center[0], y - center[1], x - center[2]], axis=0)
    elif geometry == "cylindrical":
        distance_list = np.array([z - center[0], y - center[1], x - center[2]])
        # remove the axis along which the fading is not applied
        distance_list = np.delete(distance_list, axis, axis=0)
        distance = np.linalg.norm(distance_list, axis=0)
        raise ValueError("Geometry must be 'spherical' or 'cylindrical'")

    # Compute the maximum distance from the center
    max_distance = np.linalg.norm(center)

    # Compute ratio to make synthetic blobs exactly cylindrical
    # target_max_normalized_distance = 1.4 works well to make the blobs cylindrical
    if "target_max_normalized_distance" in kwargs:
        target_max_normalized_distance = kwargs["target_max_normalized_distance"]
        ratio = np.max(distance) / (target_max_normalized_distance * max_distance)

    # Normalize the distances so that they go from 0 at the center to 1 at the farthest point
    normalized_distance = distance / (max_distance * ratio)

    # Apply the decay rate
    faded_distance = normalized_distance**decay_rate

    # Invert the distances to have 1 at the center and 0 at the edges
    fade_array = 1 - faded_distance
    fade_array[fade_array <= 0] = 0

    if invert:
        fade_array = -(fade_array - 1)

    # Apply the fading to the volume
    vol_faded = vol * fade_array

    # Normalize the volume to retain the original maximum value
    vol_normalized = vol_faded * (original_max_value / np.max(vol_faded))

    return vol_normalized


overlay_rgb_images(background, foreground, alpha=0.5, hide_black=True)

Overlay an RGB foreground onto an RGB background using alpha blending.


Name Type Description Default
background ndarray

The background RGB image.

foreground ndarray

The foreground RGB image (usually masks).

alpha float

The alpha value for blending. Defaults to 0.5.

hide_black bool

If True, black pixels will have alpha value 0, so the black won't be visible. Used for segmentation where we don't care about background. Defaults to True.



Name Type Description
composite ndarray

The composite RGB image with overlaid foreground.


Type Description

If input images have different shapes.

  • The function performs alpha blending to overlay the foreground onto the background.
  • It ensures that the background and foreground have the same first two dimensions (image size matches).
  • It can handle greyscale images, values from 0 to 1, raw values which are negative or bigger than 255.
  • It calculates the maximum projection of the foreground and blends them onto the background.
Source code in qim3d/operations/
def overlay_rgb_images(
    background: np.ndarray, foreground: np.ndarray, alpha: float = 0.5, hide_black: bool = True,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Overlay an RGB foreground onto an RGB background using alpha blending.

        background (numpy.ndarray): The background RGB image.
        foreground (numpy.ndarray): The foreground RGB image (usually masks).
        alpha (float, optional): The alpha value for blending. Defaults to 0.5.
        hide_black (bool, optional): If True, black pixels will have alpha value 0, so the black won't be visible. Used for segmentation where we don't care about background. Defaults to True.

        composite (numpy.ndarray): The composite RGB image with overlaid foreground.

        ValueError: If input images have different shapes.

        - The function performs alpha blending to overlay the foreground onto the background.
        - It ensures that the background and foreground have the same first two dimensions (image size matches).
        - It can handle greyscale images, values from 0 to 1, raw values which are negative or bigger than 255.
        - It calculates the maximum projection of the foreground and blends them onto the background.

    def to_uint8(image:np.ndarray):
        if np.min(image) < 0:
            image = image - np.min(image)

        maxim = np.max(image)
        if maxim > 255:
            image = (image / maxim)*255
        elif maxim <= 1:
            image = image*255

        if image.ndim == 2:
            image = np.repeat(image[..., None], 3, -1)
        elif image.ndim == 3:
            image = image[..., :3] # Ignoring alpha channel
            raise ValueError(F'Input image can not have higher dimension than 3. Yours have {image.ndim}')

        return image.astype(np.uint8)

    background = to_uint8(background)
    foreground = to_uint8(foreground)

    # Ensure both images have the same shape
    if background.shape != foreground.shape:
        raise ValueError(F"Input images must have the same first two dimensions. But background is of shape {background.shape} and foreground is of shape {foreground.shape}")

    # Perform alpha blending
    foreground_max_projection = np.amax(foreground, axis=2)
    foreground_max_projection = np.stack((foreground_max_projection,) * 3, axis=-1)

    # Normalize if we have something
    if np.max(foreground_max_projection) > 0:
        foreground_max_projection = foreground_max_projection / np.max(
    # Check alpha validity
    if alpha < 0:
        raise ValueError(F'Alpha has to be positive number. You used {alpha}')
    elif alpha > 1:
        alpha = 1

    # If the pixel is black, its alpha value is set to 0, so it has no effect on the image
    if hide_black:
        alpha = np.full((background.shape[0], background.shape[1],1), alpha)
        alpha[np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: (x == [0,0,0]).all(), axis = 2, arr = foreground)] = 0

    composite = background * (1 - alpha) + foreground * alpha
    composite = np.clip(composite, 0, 255).astype("uint8")

    return composite.astype("uint8")